The USPS – “My Reputation is Getting Beaten Like a White Boxer”

The USPS – “My Reputation is Getting Beaten Like a White Boxer”

I think anyone who knows anything about the finances and operations of the USPS would agree that “some changes are in order”. When is the last time you actually mailed a check to someone? Multiply you times 300 million people in the United States and your have a big problem of decling first class mail volume and revenue, so some changes are in order.

On December 5, the Postal Service filed a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) for an advisory opinion on proposed changes to mail service standards. The most significant revisions would eliminate the expectation of overnight service for significant portions of First-Class Mail and Periodicals; however, there would be an opportunity for mailers who properly prepare and enter mail at the designating processing facility prior to the day’s critical entry time to have their mail delivered the following delivery day.. In addition, the 2-day delivery range would be modified to include 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pairs that are currently overnight, and the 3-day delivery range also would be expanded.

Never fear, Select Mailing will always “properly prepare and enter mail at the designated processing facility prior to the day’s critical entry time” so your delivery times won’t be affected!